
Md. Abdullahel Shafi

Assistant Professor
+880 1556 331190
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

• M.Sc.  Electronics,  Bharathidasan  University,  Tamil  Nadu,  India
• B.Sc.  Electronics,  University  of  Madras,  Tamil  Nadu,  India

Short Introduction

Md Abdullahel Shafi received his Master of Science in Electronics from Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India. He received his Bachelor of Science in Electronics from University of Madras,Chennai,Tamilnadu, India. He teaches EEE courses of EEE department, Mechanical Engineering Department and Computer Science & Engineering Department.

Teaching experience

•  Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  2024  to  till  now.
•  Lecturer,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  2018  to  2024.

Research Interest

Antenna,  RF  &  Microwaves,  Control  Engineering  &  Robotics,  Renewable  energy  and  Power  Electronics.


1. Islam,  Shams  &  Shafi,  Md.  (2022).  Garment  Industry:  Present  Scenario  in  Bangladesh.  International  Journal  of  Advance  Research  and  Innovative  Ideas  in  Education.  8.  1448-1452.
2. Shafi,  Md  &  Islam,  Shams.  (2022).  A  Study  On  Health  Condition  of  Bangladesh  Garments  Worker.  International  Journal  of  Advance  Research  and  Innovative  Ideas  in  Education.  8.  1448-1452.
3. Islam,  Shams  &  Shafi,  Md.  (2022).  Garment  Industry:  Present  Scenario  In  Bangladesh.  International  Journal  Of  Advance  Research  And  Innovative  Ideas  In  Education.  8.  890-900.